Certinia’s New PS Cloud Features: Elevating Resource Management to a New Level

Achieving mutual success is always satisfying. But imagine enhancing that to create benefits for everyone involved. Certinia’s latest enhancements to its Professional Services (PS) Cloud work planner and resource requests solution make this possible. For enterprises, PS Cloud is crucial because it streamlines operations, boosts productivity, and improves resource management. These enhancements benefit customers by delivering better service, employees by providing clearer work plans, and resource managers by optimizing resource allocation

How Do These Enhancements Benefit Enterprises? 

With PS Cloud, enterprises can achieve higher efficiency and satisfaction across the board. Let’s dive into the details. 

Certina PS Cloud Enhancements That May Benefit Enterprises

1. Enhanced Customer Experience 

Customers benefit significantly from the new features. Faster project kickoffs and timely deliveries by the most suitable employees and consultants mean customers see value sooner and experience seamless project execution. 

2. Improved Employee & Consultant Job Satisfaction 

Employees and consultants also gain from these updates. The enhanced scheduling system considers their unique skills, aspirations, preferred working hours, and PTO, protecting them from boredom and burnout. This leads to higher job satisfaction and productivity. 

3. Empowered Resource Managers 

Resource managers are perhaps the biggest winners. The new features provide a comprehensive overview of resource requests and assignments, enabling informed, high-quality, and scalable staffing and scheduling decisions. By identifying the best project fits and optimizing resource utilization, they can maximize billable hours while balancing workloads and preferred schedules. 

Resource managers can also preview the effects of changes on resource allocations before making assignments, ensuring the ideal resources are available without overburdening them. This capability allows for strategic planning and effective resource management. 

Key Enhancements to Certinia’s PS Cloud 

The two major enhancements that make all this possible are: 

1. Work Planner  

To deliver projects on time, faster kickoff times are crucial. The Work Planner enhancements allow resource managers to streamline and balance utilization effectively. Key features include: 

  • Allocation View: Shows how over- or under-utilized each employee is. It highlights billable and non-billable time, allowing for an even spread of billable work and helping new employees ramp up quickly. The pivot between the number of hours and the percentage of calendar hours allocated to each resource is particularly useful for compensation planning. 
  • Availability View: Displays which employees are utilized, who is available, and which top performers are over-utilized. It helps managers strategically balance resource needs with availability, maintaining optimal utilization across the resource pool. 
Key Enhancements to Certinia's PS Cloud 
Source: https://certinia.com

With these enhancements, resource managers can easily view and manage resourcing and scheduling for various types of work, including billable and non-billable tasks, and match resources based on skills. 

2. Resource Requests 

Effective resource assignment requires knowledge of scheduled hours, capacity, and work delivery methods. The Resource Requests updates help resource managers reduce delivery risk and increase forecasting accuracy by providing early visibility into schedules that can be fulfilled by assigned resources. The updates include: 

  • Schedule View: Answers who is available, their preferred work schedules, and their capacity to take on new work. 
  • Allocations View: Shows what other projects employees are working on and when they will be free. 
  • Attributes View: Ensures the right match by checking if specific resources have the necessary credentials, skills, and experience for a project. 

These updates allow for better management and visualization of scheduled hours for suggested resources, enabling resource managers to make scalable, high-quality staffing decisions. 


In essence, these new features transform mutual success into a four-way win, driving satisfaction and efficiency across the board. Explore how Certinia’s enhanced PS Cloud can revolutionize your resource management and elevate your professional services to new heights. Let AblyPro guide you towards maximizing the full potential of your Certinia platform. Talk to our Certinia experts today


Murali Puttaparthi, AVP, AblyPro
Murali Puttaparthi
AVP, AblyPro
linkden for profile

Murali is the AVP – Certinia at AblyPro with 12+ years of experience in handling complex Certinia and Salesforce applications, implementations, configurations, and customizations. At AblyPro, he has been the pillar of all the Certinia PSA and ERP project deliverables, ranging from design to implementation, project management, and resource management. With years of practical knowledge and expertise in this industry, Murali supports the sales team in strategizing customer solutions to meet the actual business needs of the clients. Murali is a dynamic and experienced professional with multiple Certinia and Salesforce certifications, helping businesses to technically strive in this ever-changing landscape.

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