Top 5 ERP Integration Challenges and How to Successfully Overcome Them?

Implementing a cloud ERP system for your business is definitely a smart move, but it’s not without its challenges. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the top ERP integration challenges you may face when integrating a cloud ERP system into your existing infrastructure. From data migration to system compatibility, we’ll cover it all and provide friendly tips and advice on how to overcome these hurdles smoothly. So, relax, and let’s dive into the world of Cloud ERP integration! 

What is an ERP Solution?

An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution is a form of business management software that combines all of a company’s business activities into a single unified system. It indicates that an organization can consolidate its financials, operations, human resources tasks, analytics & reporting, as well as other functions onto a single platform. 

Learn Tips & Tricks for Seamless and Hassle-free practices for ERP Implementation? Check out our Blog Post

Challenges Businesses Face During Certinia ERP Integration

Challenges Businesses Face During Certinia ERP Integration

1. The Process of Change Management 

The process of change management is considered an essential component of every business transformation, and it can also be one of the most complex challenges to overcome while transitioning to a full cloud ERP solution. Most of the people seem to be content with their current routine and would easily reject any change that interrupts it. It is crucial to overcome this specific challenge by illustrating how the new system would improve functioning. It entails more than simply stating that it will be current & new; you must outline how the new system will benefit them in terms of cost savings, efficiency, increased customer service, and so on. 

2. Security Precautions 

Security is another critical consideration since sensitive data can be readily compromised if modern security measures are not in place. It is mainly true for remote resources, such as employees and their specific workstations. It is critical to understand the risks as well as take the right precautions to keep the data secure. 

There are numerous approaches to this problem. Companies can tackle the task on their own, employ a consultant, or collaborate with their implementation partner to determine the best methodology for their individual instance. 

3. Onboarding and Training of Users 

As you know, both training and user onboarding are critical components of every successful organization. Employees are unable to perform their responsibilities successfully as well as efficiently unless they receive sufficient training. Unfortunately, many businesses underinvest in this activity, viewing it as a waste of money when staff depart and take their training with them. This is a deadly error with major ramifications for the company’s bottom line. 

The greatest method to assure good user onboarding and training is to ensure that the money for it is enough and secure. 

4. Multiple ERPs to Support 

During the beginning of an ERP project, businesses often install modules from the same ERP vendor. However, as the process moves forward, organizational requirements grow rapidly, and businesses frequently find themselves purchasing modules from many vendors. So, the company must not only alter its existing connections with other programs, but it must also allow data translation to and from various new data formats. If the existing integrations are tightly coupled, changing them becomes expensive and brittle. 

5. Determining the Best Architectural and Licensing Models 

When contemplating a change in ERP systems, it is critical to determine whether a change of this sort is needed. This includes inquiring whether the existing on-premise system is accessible in a Cloud version and whether the features of the Cloud version are akin to or better than the capability of the on-premise system. If you answered yes to these questions, it may be worth investigating which Cloud ERP design and license model would best meet your company’s needs. 

The best architecture and licensing strategy for any given organization will be determined by their specific needs. While making this selection, you must consider: 

  • Budget 
  • Scalability 
  • Security 
  • Performance 

It is also critical to evaluate how easy it will be for integrating with existing systems and apps, as well as how user-friendly the interface would be for employees who will be using it on a regular basis. Finally, choosing an architecture and licensing model that fits all of these criteria while being cost-efficient will aid in the smooth transition of your organization to a new ERP system. 

Is it Easy to Implement Cloud ERP?

According to a buyer survey, the answer is not always. Regardless of the delivery mechanism, the poll indicated that consumers have a love/hate relationship with their ERP systems. As per the results of this survey, cloud ERP may not be as simple to use or implement as some individuals believe. While cloud-based solutions might provide benefits such as: 

  • Scalability 
  • Cost savings 
  • Customizable abilities 

they don’t require a significant amount of effort to set up and maintain. As a result, firms should carefully assess their requirements before choosing on the type of ERP system that is best for them. 

Certinia (FinancialForce) ERP Implementation Checklist eBook

Check out our high-level ERP Implementation Checklist eBook that guides you through the process, from planning to post-implementation. 

Cloud ERP systems, such as Certinia, which is built on the Salesforce platform, have proven to be simpler to operate because there is just one platform to maintain. A unified cloud platform eliminates the need for expensive third-party solutions to synchronize data between clouds. Accounting, CRM, and Supply Chain apps may coexist side by side in a shared environment when you only have one cloud to manage, removing the need for odd-style connectors and workarounds. 

How AblyPro Can Help to Overcome ERP Integration Challenges? 

Cloud ERP solutions have gained popularity in recent years, although perceptions vary widely based on company size and industry. That is where a reliable partner comes in to help you maximize the possibilities of your Certinia ERP platform. 

If you need help with Certinia (FinancialForce) ERP Implementation & Managed Services. Then AblyPro can assist you by offering Customized Certinia ERP Implementation and Managed Services for as low as $60 per hour*.  

Schedule a 1:1 meeting with our ERP experts right away! 


Manish Maid
Manish Maid
Project Manager, AblyPro

Manish Maid is a FinancialForce Project Manager at AblyPro with deep technical expertise in handling Enterprise Resource Planning software for optimizing Financial Management, Account Receivables, Account Payables, and other finance functions. With over 25 years of experience in training, implementation, business accounts and operations management, Manish enables organizations to simplify and streamline accounting complexities to optimize business processes while improving operational efficiency and boosting customer satisfaction.

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